The Shalom Collaborative offers a distinctive Jewish alternative, with members from a wide range of spiritual backgrounds. As our services and programs are generally online via Zoom or Blended, being online and in-person, regardless of your home location or where you are on your spiritual journey, The Shalom Collaborative will provide you with a place to grow and explore new horizons.
To explore becoming part of our community please email us at and join us for a service or program. Please also feel free to contact Rabbi Andrew Sklarz at We welcome you to become part of the Shalom Collaborative community.
Financial support for the life of our congregation is provided primarily by our annual Membership Pledges. We provide a suggested pledge listed below which only partially funds our yearly expenses. We ask members to pledge an amount that they are able. The Shalom Collaborative welcomes all members regardless of ability to pay: if you are unable to meet your pledge level, please let us know what you can afford. Annual Pledge amount suggested for the year 2023-2024/5784 is $550 per person / $1,100 per family.
Payment can be made on our website at Donate ( If you have any questions, please reach out to our treasurer at